Author: KIDS Inc. (Karen Ohlson)

Home / KIDS Inc.
11 Jun2014April 26, 2017


K.I.D.S. Inc. will be slacking this summer – – this does not mean we will be doing nothing as the days get hotter. It means we will be challenged to walk a flexable “tight rope”. We have purchased a Gibbon Slackline to add to our outdoor equipment. Some of the EDP child have started learning...

13 May2014April 26, 2017


The last in-service of the year was raining “cats and dogs”. The morning started with a study of the work of Laurel Burch. The children followed instructions on how to draw a cat in Burch’s style. The children then used an assortment of medium (chalk pastels, oil pastels, and crayons) to add colour and personality...

06 Aug2013April 26, 2017

LARPing Around!

What is a LARP you may ask. Well, a LARP is an acronym that stands for Live Action Role Play.  This is where people dress up as their favourite mystical, medieval  or modern war characters and fashion their own weapons to go into battle with.  All weapons are made from foam along with any armor...

17 Apr2013April 26, 2017

The Spark of Imangination

It all started with one child with determination, imagination and a plan. She had to build a Cookie Stand so she could design her baking goods and sell them to her friends. First she made the stand out of blocks. The sign was carefully crafted with cookies with rainbow coloured chips, and the word “Cookies”...

05 Apr2013November 14, 2016

ABCD Problem Solving with Preschoolers

A hypothetical play situation like the following scenario may occur at any time of the day in a preschool setting: A child approaches an adult and complains about her friend, “She’s not sharing her car.” As the adult looks down, she observes a whole basket full of cars that no one is playing with. It seems obvious that the solution would...

22 Mar2013April 26, 2017

Where is Spring?

Unless you spent Monday March 11th in your jammies, or you are an avid sledder, it was a very disappointing day to wake up, get your kids here, then drive through the gusty winds and wintry roads to work. Looking at the sunny skies today, it is hard to believe how miserable it was at...

14 Mar2013April 26, 2017

Expanding a story

Robert Munsch has always been one of our favourite authors to read and to listen to. His newest book, “Seeing Red” was read to the afternoon group of children during activity time. It was a funny story about a boy getting tricked into eating all kinds of food to help turn his hair red like...