Unless you spent Monday March 11th in your jammies, or you are an avid sledder, it was a very disappointing day to wake up, get your kids here, then drive through the gusty winds and wintry roads to work. Looking at the sunny skies today, it is hard to believe how miserable it was at the beginning of the week. But it was.

On days like that we are reminded how special the world is when you look at it through the eyes of a child. They didn’t see the traffic tie ups, or listen to how nice it was last year (record breaking temperatures) – they saw an adventure. Our playground has never been this full of snow, and the children have enjoyed standing on the snow packed hills staring into the windows of the staff room. They reach branches of the trees that seem so impossibly high up in the summer time.

On this particular day the snow was fluffy enough to shovel and roll around in, and the blowing winds circled around like an icy cold shower. It was almost worth the winter storm on the eve of spring after watching the excitement of the children. Almost.
