The staff of K.I.D.S. Inc. work diligently to ensure all children’s needs are met. Our safe and stimulating environment is a big part of fostering all developmental areas. There are many strategies and experiences that happen within the environment.

The “stimulating” environment consists of a comfortable environment full of opportunities for children to explore and discover freely. A particularly good example of how the environment provides opportunities to explore while enhancing all developmental areas was experienced this summer in the school age program. The children and staff worked together to create attractive and stimulating play zones in the gymnasium. Children in middle childhood are developing social skills, discovering where they fit in their world and experiment with various roles. To meet these emerging needs there were 4 active role play zones set up within the gym space, each inspired by children’s play and requests! The typical role play area, the daily living zone, included a “home sweet home” sign, designed by the children. This area had adult sized clothing, dishes, utensils and “home” like furniture. Adjacent to home was the “party zone” which was outfitted with a disco ball, hats, punch bowl, more dress up clothes (selected from a second hand store on a field trip), hats, canes, jewelry and other party props. Nearby was a third play zone- the “K.I.D.S. Inc. Rocks” zone which provided the children with opportunities to perform on the raised stage (microphones, instruments, karaoke machine), singing solo, karaoke, dancing, listening to music or observing peers in action. Physical skills grew through dancing and “rocking out” and a few new dance moves were learned! The fourth play zone, across the gym, was the “Massage Therapy and Spa” business. Children booked appointments, exchanged currency, and provided services to their customers in a comfortable area complete with soft music at times!! Emotional development was fostered through the opportunity to care for others and take turns. Cognitive development soared through the hands on practice with money and cash registers, time keeping and order of appointments.

All of the role play zones offered extensive social interactions and friendship building. The children worked together to decide who would fulfill which role and how the play would evolve. Lots of creativity, cooperation, collaboration and compromising! The children spent many hours developing and practicing skills that will assist them on their journey through childhood, teen years and adulthood!