Dear MLA and Leaders of Child Care in Manitoba:

The Government of Manitoba has announced Family Choices – Manitoba’s Five-Year Agenda for Early Learning and Child Care. Here is a link if you haven’t had a chance to review it: This is important news for Manitobans so please share it with your staff, parents, colleagues, and community.

The announcement was very impressive event! Four cabinet ministers attended to support and share in the excitement of the day. Minister of Family Services & Housing, the Hon. Gord Mackintosh was accompanied at the podium by Erin Selby, MLA for Southdale, and Minister of Education, the Hon. Peter Bjornson. Standing close by were the Minister of Health, the Hon. Teresa Oswald, and Minister of Healthy Living, the Hon. Kerri-Irvin Ross, along with many other VIP’s and supporters. The excitement in the room was palpable. Even the media sensed something big was nigh, and were out in full force, cameras pointed and note pads ready.

Minister Mackintosh spoke with knowledge, conviction, and confidence about the need for a system of early learning and child care services from which parents could choose, and the contribution the services make to fostering healthy children, families, community, and a strong economy. It was music to advocates’ ears! It’s unfortunate more members of the child care workforce, whether centre based or family child care, don’t have the opportunity to attend this kind of event to hear and see the excitement, support, and recognition of the importance of early learning and child care services!

The 12 point plan includes ingredients essential to build a solid foundation under an early learning and child care system, and move forward into the future. Don Giesbrecht, President of the Canadian Child Care Federation, told the gathering that the Manitoba plan is the most ambitious outside of Quebec and will be the envy of the country. During his speech, Minister Mackintosh said that Manitoba will show the rest of the world how to do child care the right way! How’s that for ambition!? It feels like we have finally shaken off the discouraging hangover left behind after the Government of Canada terminated the system building child care funding agreement in 2006. Early learning and child care in Manitoba is on the move again, and we have much to look forward to as our new multi-year plan rolls out over the next 5 years.

And we will be busy! MCCA will push hard to get the planning for a stronger workforce off the drawing board and into programs sooner, rather than later. We know it’s impossible to open 6500 more spaces over the next five years until we have finished the work of stabilizing and strengthening the workforce. I am anxious to learn more about the promised wage increase and adjustments to establish a minimum wage base. MCCA is able to contribute our Market Competitive Salary Guideline Scale for Group Child Care Centres as THE minimum wage base for child care centres in Manitoba and we will encourage the Government of Manitoba to adopt it and fund it in year two of the plan- 2009. The promise of a pension plan is excellent news, and will definitely help make the shift to child care as a career rather than a stepping stone.

This is a memorable Week of the Early Childhood Educator! Child care has turned another corner in Manitoba and the wind is back in our sails! We have a good, solid, comprehensive plan to use as our guidepost for early learning and child care! And that is something we can all celebrate!

With thanks and a big MCCA “BRAVO” to everyone who advocates, cares, educates plans, supports, and builds!

Celebrating Week of the Early Childhood Educator!
April 27 – May 3,2008

Pat Wege, Executive Director
Manitoba Child Care Association Inc.
2nd Floor, 2350 McPhillips St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2V 4J6
(204) 586-8587 ext 25 (Toll Free MB only 1-888-323-4676)